Opportunities to learn & grow..
at your PACE
Bow Street School is an independent special school based in Bilston, Wolverhampton, West Midlands. Welcoming young people who have become disengaged from mainstream learning and/or those who have a Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP).
Bow Street School offers placements for pupils aged between 13 and 16 years, KS3 and KS4. We believe that education for our pupils is about preparation for life. Communication and literacy are very high priority for all pupils along with a broad and balanced curriculum, including learning to be independent, accessing the community and learning about the world we live in. We know that pupils learn best when they are having fun. our teachers are support staff are strong advocates for everyone they work with and make sure they find the right way of engaging each individual child or young person in the activities and lessons on offer. From achieving GCSEs and key learning milestones to pursuing ASDAN awards and enjoying extra-curricular activities, there is plenty to get young people motivated.
Bow Street School aims to get pupils "back on track", reviving their passion for learning and for life. Young people are taught in small groups - a typical group size is four pupils with two members of staff supporting their individual needs. We can also provide one-to-one teaching where necessary. Bow Street School is a non-denominational school for boys and girls.
Most Bow Street School students are from Wolverhampton and the West Midlands, but we welcome people from outside these areas too. If you are interested in visiting Bow Street School, or finding out how to obtain a placement, please get in touch with us.
Whatever a young person's needs, Bow Street School can be a flexible place of learning. Whether you're looking for a full-time placement for five days a week or need just a day or two. Arrangements can be made to accommodate new students.
Bow Street School placement programme can be tailored to suit the individual, and "creative packages" are available. Our range of qualifications and award schemes are set up specifically to enable young people to participate no matter how many days they are present. Sport and leisure activities are also a hugely important part of life at Bow Street School, enabling our students to get fit, have fun and let off steam, as well as develop new hobbies and interests.
These are on the curriculum for full and part-time attendees. In return, pupils must sign up to abide by Bow Street Schools caring ethos, including an anti-bullying policy.
In December 2017 we had a visit from OfSted and were found to be Outstanding. You can read the report here.
We aim to ensure that: